Our company philosophy – vision, mission and principles

Our vision, our mission and our five principles are essential for how we see ourselves as educators at the Wichtel Akademie. These central pillars of our company philosophy reinforce and represent our belief in a common identity.

Our Vision

For a happy childhood – united in the joy of education.
We want to be the „first choice kindergarten“ for all parents, children and educators.

Das Foto zeigt einen Erzieher mit Kindern und dient zur Pointierung des Themas „Philosophie der Kita: Prinzipien und Visionen

Our Mission

We, the Wichtel Akademie, are a family-oriented company in the field of early childhood education. Every day we work with passion and enthusiasm in order to give the children a happy childhood. Our modern pedagogical concept provides our foundation for this very goal. Our aim is to prepare each individual child for their future. In doing so, we make sure that our kindergartens are centres of well-being, that offer the children a home away from home. It is important to us that both parents and employees are easily able to combine work and family life. With this in mind, we provide a comprehensive range of services to meet the individual needs of our families. Not only are we important companions for the children’s development, but also a trusted point of contact for the parents. What sets us apart is how we work together in an open and respectful manner illustrated by our three-way relationship between children, employees and parents. We educate for the future. For this reason, we continue to further develop our own abilities, our pedagogical standards and our services
– we learn daily with, for and through the children.

Durch Bildung die Zukunft bewegen. Using the power of education to move the world.

Our Principles

Our five principles are based on the values of the Wichtel Akademie and are the guidelines for our daily work. They help us to focus our attention on our own behaviour and to reflect upon our practice. These guidelines only provide a framework within which each employee can work autonomously.


Warmth and Security

We take care that all children experience a happy childhood daily and grow up in an environment characterised by warmth and security.


We act when necessary; we stand by and comply with agreements. In doing so, we maintain an organisational overview. We question things and reflect upon them in order to improve the quality of the Wichtel Akademie through our work.


Every day we strive for a better future. We discover and use our talents and take the opportunity to develop ourselves further. We make sure that our pedagogy and our services stay modern and demanding.


Everyone in our kindergarten is treated as an equal. We are helpful and friendly towards children, parents and colleagues as well as other people. We include the relevant people in decisions which affect them – and in their organisation and implementation.


We create a trusting and appreciative basis for our community so that children, parents, colleagues and partners can easily build a trusting relationship.