Stellenangebot English Educator (m/f/x)

We are looking for English Educators (m/f/x)

To further support our team in our various childcare centers, we are looking for motivated English Educators to bring our bilingual concept to life.

full-time or part-time

Your dream job at Wichtel Akademie München

Wichtel Akademie München GmbH is a family-oriented and modern company in the field of early childhood education at the Wichtel Akademie in Munich and Vaterstetten as well as the FitKizz in Munich-Allach. Every day we work with passion and enthusiasm in order to give the children a happy childhood. Our modern pedagogical concept provides our foundation for this very goal. Our aim is to prepare each individual child for their future. In doing so, we make sure that our kindergartens are centres of well-being, that offer the children a home away from home.

What we offer

  • Attractive pay and a permanent employment contract
  • 30 days holiday per year plus days off at Christmas and New Year’s Eve
  • A commuting allowance of up to 49 € per month
  • Attractive conditions at Urban Sports Club for our employees
  • Additional financial incentives
  • Healthy meals throughout the day (incl. drinks)
  • Access to training opportunities, support and professional development
  • High standards of workplace with modern and friendly rooms
  • A friendly and dynamic team, flat hierarchies and active involvement in the teaching program
  • Modern educational bilingual concept

What we expect

  • An English Educator with an approved professional childcare qualification as an early childhood educator (minimum of BA in Early Childhood education; MA, diplomas or certificates add value)
  • Perfect or very good command of the English language
  • At least B1 level German language proficiency and a strong interest in learning German
  • Professional experience in working with groups of infants and children aged 3 – 6 years
  • Passion for working with children and interest in childcare and education
  • Being familiar with theories and practices of child development and early childhood education
  • Excellent communication and teamwork skills

Your assignment

  • You will implement our modern pedagogical concept in our centres and participate in the continuing development of the concept with our leadership team
  • You develop projects which build upon our pedagogical foundations and implement them together with the children
  • You accompany the children through their development and support their individual targeted needs
  • You communicate openly and professionally with our parents and build a partnership to support the child’s development

If this is you, we are looking forward to receiving your application:

Please submit your application to us easily via our application form right here below.

Wichtel Akademie München Eva Zirkelbach
If you have any questions, please contact Eva Zirkelbach.
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