• Open all year round
  • Bilingual concept
  • Childcare until your child starts school
  • Staff-to-child ratio above average
  • Long opening times
  • One price for all services
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Our daycare centers in the Munich area

  • FitKizz
  • Im Bau
  • Wichtel Akademie
  • Wichtel Akademie Basic

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FAQ: Frequently asked questions on the subject of day-care centres in Munich

There are a few day-care providers in and around Munich. Which day-care centre is best for your child depends on several factors. Seek information, for instance, on the educational concept offered at the respective day-care centre, the location, the occupancy and, naturally, also the costs in order to make your decision more easily. At the Wichtel Academy, we offer you detailed advice and will be happy to cater to your individual requests.

A private day-care centre like the Wichtel Academy Munich offers additional services  such as yoga, sport or music, which cannot be found on this scale at public day-care centres. The digitalisation in private day-care centres is also generally more advanced and the facilities have high-quality, modern and appealing furnishings. A professional administration department supports the day-care centres in a wide range of tasks (e. g. marketing, communication, quality assurance, recruitment, IT, etc.) so that the preschool teachers can concentrate on their educational work with the children.

Bilingual education is of benefit even from early childhood. The children learn languages in a very natural way at this age and encounter the foreign language slowly while having fun. This early start enables children to learn how to adapt flexibly to different communicative situations. A bilingual education also improves perception and concentration skills and helps the children learn to be open-minded. We make use of this delicate phase so that the children learn a second language while having fun. The Wichtel Academy day-care centres in Munich offer bilingual education from kindergarten.

Children are supported and encouraged in the best possible way when the day-care centre and parents work well together. The child’s needs can thus be determined individually and their skills and talents can be better developed and expanded. Challenges can also be identified and resolved more quickly together. In short, a functioning educational partnership between the day-care centre and parents is very valuable for the development and well-being of the child

Various career opportunities and individual development opportunities are open to preschool teachers at the Wichtel Academy Munich day-care centres. Depending on personal goals and characteristics, various further education opportunities, further training courses and instructor qualifications are available. The individual development of every single employee is very important at the Wichtel Academy.