Private crèches & kindergartens
The privately run Wichtel Akademie has 26 daycare centers in the Munich area and in Vaterstetten - one of them is sure to be near you. In our daycare centers, we combine crèche and kindergarten in one location. This enables us to provide continuous educational care for your child right through to the transition to school. With the FitKizz, the Wichtel Akademie operates another daycare center and an after-school care center in Allach.
Die privat betriebene Wichtel Akademie umfasst 26 Kita-Standorte im Raum München und in Vaterstetten – eine davon sicherlich auch in Ihrer Nähe. In unseren Kitas kombinieren wir Kinderkrippe und Kindergarten an einem Ort. So können wir die durchgehende pädagogische Betreuung Ihres Kindes bis zum Übergang in die Schule sicherstellen.
Places for a happy childhood

Our crèchesOur crèches take up to twelve children per group aged between six months and three years. The educators in our crèche teams treat the children lovingly and professionally. They make our homes places of security - an ideal prerequisite for the healthy early childhood development of your child.

Our kindergartens
In the kindergarten groups at the Wichtel Akademie München, we look after 20 to 25 children from the age of three until they start school. Our pedagogical specialists look after each individual child warmly, lovingly and with a great deal of empathy. They are characterized by a high sense of responsibility and professionalism.
Our daycare center locations in Munich and Vaterstetten: Find a daycare center near you
Your advantages at a glance

A second home
In our private daycare centers, we offer all children the warmth of a second home. Our educational staff support your child's free development, stimulate their curiosity and their urge to explore and encourage them to think independently. In doing so, our educators see themselves as a source of inspiration and a source of happiness.

A wide range of childcare options
The childcare services offered by the Wichtel Akademie daycare centers are optimally tailored to your child. The wide range of activities such as sports and games, early musical education or children's yoga vary depending on the location. These are great fun for all children and support them in their motor and social development from an early age. In many facilities, we also offer bilingual activities for the bilingual early childhood development of your child .Find out more about our educational concept.

Healthy nutrition from an early age
Our child-friendly meals bring variety to the table every day and form the basis for the early development of healthy eating habits. We prepare all meals in our own Wichtel canteen kitchen according to the cook-and-chill principle. We use fresh and regional ingredients of the highest quality. More about our nutritional concept.

At eye level with the parents
You can register your child at our daycare locations all year round. From the very first day, you will receive detailed insights into our educational work, our day-to-day daycare and your child's activities via the parent app. For the well-being of your child, our team will accompany you throughout the entire daycare period in a close and trusting educational partnership. Our long opening hours and few closing days make it easier for you to combine family and work.