FitKizz crèche, kindergarten and after-school group
Well-balanced children are on the move.
FitKizz – part of the Wichtel Akademie Munich
With its educational focus on movement, rhythm and health as well as language and literacy, FitKizz in Allach-Untermenzing offers space for two crèche groups, two kindergarten groups and two after-school groups. The strong focus on these educational priorities is the biggest difference to the Wichtel Akademie. At FitKizz, we focus on diverse, child-friendly exercise programs as an elementary component of our daycare center routine. Movement and play create a strong sense of community and break down barriers.

Focus on language and movement
- Language and movement in the focus of pedagogy
- Individual acclimatization in crèche, kindergarten and after-school care
- Inclusion at the cutting edge
- Preparation for starting school
- Homework support in the first years of school
- High-quality and delicious cuisine